
We value our patients' experience at Crandell Chiropractic. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free Acrobat Reader to view.

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Drs. Norm and Kerri Crandell

Dr. Norm started treating my various ailments one year ago and what a difference he has made. Starting with the first visit I knew I was dealing with a different kind of chiropractor than I had during the past 40 years. First he asked a lot of relevant questions and quizzed me on my expectations of his treatment. I had three specific goals: 1. to swim without shoulder pain, 2. to be able to climb ladders without foot pain, and 3. to finish a triathlon before my wife dialed 911. After carefully evaluating me, Dr. Norm not only began a carefully thought out plan of recovery, but spelled out in detail how I could be actively involved in the healing process by doing specific exercises to augment his treatments. What a deal! Under the expert care of Dr. Norm I accomplished all three of my goals and, under his supervision, have instituted a daily regimen of exercise and nutrition that allows me to pursue the active lifestyle I love without pain.

Thank you Dr. Norm!

~ Dan Verinsky

Dr. Norm began treating me for severe, intermittent wrist pain that was interfering with my enjoyment of daily activities. I had been experiencing this wrist pain for several months before getting treatment from Dr. Norm. Prior to seeing Dr. Norm I had been taking aspirin, using topical analgesics, and restricting my activities so that I would not be in as much pain. After a few chiropractic treatments with Dr. Norm I am now happy to say that I have total freedom from my pain!

~ Audrey Dawson

I decided to have chiropractic care because I was experiencing back pain that was radiating into both of my legs. This back pain was due to a sports injury that I had. I was suffering from this pain for about six months before I saw Doctor Norm.

Another treatment that I received for this problem was three epidural injections from a pain management M.D.

Since I have been to see Dr. Norm Crandell and received chiropractic treatments I have had complete relief in the left leg and 90% relief in the right leg. Dr. Crandell's combination of chiropractic and physical therapy treatment, plus his prescribed "homework" has worked wonders for me!

~ Patrick Welch

I had extensive foot reconstruction following an accident and was told I would never be able to run again. Dr. Crandell never gave up on me and five years later, I returned to competition and won the National Masters 100 meter hurdles gold medal in the fastest time run in the world that year (16.3) for my age group (65-69). I should give Dr. Crandell the gold medal (but I won't). Thanks to Felton Family Wellness, I can walk 18 holes at Pasatiempo and work out every day.

~John Martel

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I had extensive foot reconstruction following an accident and was told I would never be able to run again. Dr. Crandell never gave up on me and five years later, I returned to competition and won the National Masters 100 meter hurdles gold medal in the fastest time run in the world that year (16.3) for my age group (65-69). I should give Dr. Crandell the gold medal (but I won't). Thanks to Felton Family Wellness, I can walk 18 holes at Pasatiempo and work out every day."
    John Martel
  • "Dr. Norm began treating me for severe, intermittent wrist pain that was interfering with my enjoyment of daily activities. I had been experiencing this wrist pain for several months before getting treatment from Dr. Norm. Prior to seeing Dr. Norm I had been taking aspirin, using topical analgesics, and restricting my activities so that I would not be in as much pain. After a few chiropractic treatments with Dr. Norm I am now happy to say that I have total freedom from my pain!"
    Audrey Dawson