Quit Smoking

image of cigarette butt.

Smoking throughout the day is akin to living inside a burning building. Smoking degrades the collagen of your skin causing premature aging, destroys the cells inside your lungs, and promotes heart disease, cataracts and cancer because of the oxidizing radicals released into the blood stream. It can contribute to back pain by dehydrating the spinal discs.

People stop smoking every day and so can you. Some people find acupuncture to be very helpful at reducing cravings and many people have used nicotine patches for the same reason. But these are not as effective as your unswerving, absolute commitment to do whatever it takes to not smoke today. Just limit your not smoking to today only. You can tell yourself that you can have a cigarette tomorrow if you just make it through today. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, tell yourself the same thing.

There are many addicts who have successfully kicked their alcohol, heroine or cocaine addictions this way. Kicking any addiction is tough. You can expect to feel stressed, anxious and irritable at first. To expect anything else is unreasonable. But you can also expect that over time it will become easier and easier to not smoke.


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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "I had extensive foot reconstruction following an accident and was told I would never be able to run again. Dr. Crandell never gave up on me and five years later, I returned to competition and won the National Masters 100 meter hurdles gold medal in the fastest time run in the world that year (16.3) for my age group (65-69). I should give Dr. Crandell the gold medal (but I won't). Thanks to Felton Family Wellness, I can walk 18 holes at Pasatiempo and work out every day."
    John Martel
  • "Dr. Norm began treating me for severe, intermittent wrist pain that was interfering with my enjoyment of daily activities. I had been experiencing this wrist pain for several months before getting treatment from Dr. Norm. Prior to seeing Dr. Norm I had been taking aspirin, using topical analgesics, and restricting my activities so that I would not be in as much pain. After a few chiropractic treatments with Dr. Norm I am now happy to say that I have total freedom from my pain!"
    Audrey Dawson